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A.A. BADENHORST 4th Rabbit Agave Spirit

ALC/ VOL: 43 %   –    VOLUME: 500 ml   –   TBC:BARCODE



Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Inverkehrbringer: CAPEWEINE.COM, Unterortwang 11b, 87545 Burgberg

A.A. BADENHORST 4th Rabbit Agave Spirit

49,50 € Standardpreis
39,50 €Sale-Preis
1 Liter
inkl. MwSt. |
  • This Agave spirit is made from the specie Agave americana. This plant grows in abundance around the Graaff-Reinet area of South Africa and it grows wild in the surrounding mountains. Once the plants are mature (+-20yrs) they are selected according to their sugar content. The plants are harvested by hand and the outer leaves removed. The remaining part, called the piña, is baked in an oven for four days.